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Ввоз мотоцикла в США

Какие необходимы документы для постоянного или временного ввоза мотоцикла в сша для личного пользования?

, Павел, г. Москва
Евгений Беляев
Евгений Беляев
Юрист, г. Барнаул
рейтинг 10

Добрый день. Исходя из того, что данный ресурс нацелен на консультирование в рамках законов РФ Вам конечно лучше обратиться к юристам в США, специализирующимся  на таможенных вопросах. 

При этом хочу отметить, что согласно сайта погран. контроля США для ввоза мотоцикла необходимо его соответствие по выхлопным газам.

Before you decide to import a vehicle or vehicle parts into the United States, you should ensure that it conforms to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) andDepartment of Transportation (DOT) regulations. Both the DOT and the EPA advise that although a nonconforming car may be conditionally admitted, the modification required to bring it into compliance may be so extensive and costly for vehicles that were not originally manufactured for the U.S. market. It is highly recommended that these prohibitions and modifications be investigated before a vehicle's purchased for parts and/or importation.

Importation of a passenger car, truck, trailer, motorcycle, bus, or multi-purpose passenger vehicle (MPV) that was not originally manufactured to comply with U.S. or Canadian safety standards. Importers of motor vehicles must file an HS-7 Declaration form (available at ports of entry or at http://www.nhtsa.gov/cars/rules/import) at the time a vehicle is imported to identify the basis for the vehicle's entry into the United Sates.

As a general rule, a motor vehicle less than 25 years old must comply with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards (FMVSS) to be imported on a permanent basis. Vehicles (other than motorcycles) manufactured to comply with the FMVSS will have a certification label affixed by the original manufacturer in the area of the driver-side door.

You should note that the 25 year period runs from the date of the vehicle's manufacture. The date of manufacture should be identified on a label permanently affixed to the vehicle by its original manufacturer, to establish the age of the vehicle.

Vehicles parts - The date of manufacture is not identified on a label permanently affixed to the vehicle by its original manufacturer, to establish the age of the vehicle.

The Clean Air Act prohibits importation into the United States of any motor vehicle, motor vehicle engine, nonroad engine and equipment that does not conform to United States EPA emission standards and requirements. Avehicle is exempted if it has been 21 years or more since its original production year and it is in its original unmodified condition. Vehicles in any condition may be excluded if they were manufactured prior to the year in which EPA's regulations for the class of vehicle took effect. Vehicles at least 21 years old with replacement engines are not eligible for this exemption unless they contain equivalent or newer EPA certified engines and emission control systems. Upon entry, the importer must file an EPA Form 3520-1with Customs and declare code «E» on the form.

To obtain more information, contact the EPA Imports Hotline prior to importation of such vehicles to ensure that the equivalency requirements are met, you may contact them by email at imports@epa.gov or call 734-214-4100.

If you purchase a vehicle that was brought into the U.S. and sold without being properly entered through CBP, that vehicle is subject to seizure.

CBP requires that an entry be filed for the vehicle, at the port of entry. A CBP Officer will process and provide you with the CBP Form 7501 which serves as evidence of the import processing by CBP. Filing an entry is initiated by declaring the vehicle and/or its parts to a CBP officer when you enter the U.S. If your paperwork is in order, the officer will help you file the entry at the border. If you are not prepared, the officer may advise you to file the entry at a CBP port near your residence — however, in many cases the closest port could be 1-3 hours from your home, so it is in your best interest to be prepared to file the entry when you initially bring the vehicle into the U.S.

Without a copy of the CBP entry form, you will not be able to register the vehicle in the U.S.

Prior to filing your entry with CBP:

— Ensure you have valid proof of ownership, which is an original certificate of title, or a certified copy of the original. Vehicle parts will require a purchase.

— Manufacturer's letter/certificate, stating that the vehicle conforms to EPA and DOT standards. Vehicle parts must also be conformed to U.S. Standards depending on the part being imported. (For example: Engine must meet EPA and a Fender must meet DOT standards)

— Completed EPA form 3520-1 and DOT form HS-7. Vehicle parts will depend on the part being imported into the U.S.

Note: If the vehicle has stickers on the engine (EPA) and inside the drivers-side door (DOT) stating that the vehicle was manufactured to U.S. standards, you will not need a letter from the manufacturer. Some vehicles are listed by make, model, and year on the DOT and EPA web sites as conforming. If your vehicle is one of those, that would also negate the need for a letter from the manufacturer.

NEVER purchase a used vehicle in the U.S. if the owner cannot show that it is currently registered in the U.S. and demonstrate that it conforms to DOT and EPA standards.

The EPA has a detailed automotive facts manual describing emission requirements for imported vehicles. You can get a copy of the manual, entitled «The Automotive Imports Facts Manual» (order #EPA420B94006) or other information about importing motor vehicles by calling the EPA import hotline at (734) 214-4100 or in writing to:

Environmental Protection Agency

Box -J Investigation/Imports Section

Washington, D.C. 20460

For additional information on how to bring a vehicle or vehicle parts into the U.S. for personal use, please reference our brochure, «Importing a Vehicle.» andImporting into the United States.

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Формы ввозных документов можете посмотреть на сайте ЕРА, поскольку для временного  ввоза необходимо согласование https://www.epa.gov/importing-...

Плюс к этому будет необходима страховка 

Все остальное, повторю еще раз, лучше выяснить у специалистов по таможенному праву в США.

С уважением Евгений Беляев

Анна Владимирова
Анна Владимирова
Юрист, г. Йошкар-Ола

Здравствуйте! На первом этапе нужно посетить таможню по месту Вашего жительства для оформления документов для вывоза мотоцикла. Следует учитывать, что пакет документов, необходимый для законной транспортировки груза, в каждом отдельном случае может быть разным (есть разница мотоцикл новый или б/у, год выпуска, экологический класс, мощность, срок вывоза и т.д.) Все это следует выяснить при посещении таможни. Кроме того, необходимо подготовить мотоцикл к транспортировке, замерить габариты и вес брутто. 

Когда все данные и документы из таможни на мотоцикл будут готовы необходимо обратиться к оператору по обслуживанию грузов и почты в аэропорту (например, Шереметьево-Карго) для того, чтобы забронировать отправку груза. Соответственно оплатить отправку груза. 


Случаи обязательного письменного декларирования (внесения в пассажирскую таможенную декларацию)  временно ввозимых или временно вывозимых товаров перечислены в Письме ФТС России от 03.05.2006 № 01-06/15085 

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